This portfolio is a self portrait series I wanted to do for school, but more so myself. I wanted to find something that drove the passion I knew I had somewhere, and this was it.
It’s important that I use this body of work to try and reflect different states of mind that I feel are both personal and universal. I want to elevate those thoughts and feelings and give them a visual identity, while maintaining a certain amount of mystery that make the images connect and yet, stand apart as clearly separate mental spaces.
There is a lot of image manipulation and illustration involved in the images. These are caricatures of myself based on how I or others might perceive me.
It’s my attempt at creating something to understand myself better, and for others to enjoy or relate to.
Though a self portrait series may occasionally seem narcissistic, I feel as though it’s a chance to explore myself and darker emotions in a space I feel comfortable, and for others to do the same.